Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Be Optimistic!

Be Optimistic! Be Positive! That’s one of the most common words that we keep on hearing from friends when we encounter failures and defeats.

If you are inclined to be a pessimist, experts say to try to bite your tongue to stop those negative comments coming out, because everytime they come out, they’ll kill a bit of enthusiasm for life. A lot of times, it may be necessary to just pretend to be happy. So try to think of yourself as someone with a happy demeanor. Nevermind that you feel doom-laden, put a happy face!

How to be optimistic? Here are some ways:

Stand up straight and tall. When walking, stand up straight and tall. Experts say to lengthen your stride. If something insurmountable gets in your way, instead of feeling defeated, be turned on by the challenge and come at it from different angles, showing your determination!

An optimistic person feels their life has a purpose. If you feel pessimistic, don’t feed your unhappiness and go around bringing others down just because you feel that way.

I admit I have experienced this pessimism in one of my jobs before. And I always complain about things with my friends. They got fed up with me and a lot of times, they just don’t want to listen on the rants that I have. They are being driven away. Later on, I soon realized that I am one of the luckiest persons with the blessings that I am receiving and stopped thinking about those negative rants. Instead, I moved on and concentrated on the things that I should do to further improve my career and my future.

Be grown-up. Do you have unforgettable happy experiences? How about memorable night outs with your friends? Or a favorite song that lifts your spirit? These memories of wonderful times can definitely change your mood from being pessimist to becoming happy and optimist.

Don’t underestimate the happiness order can bring. Definitely, you’ll feel a lot better when you take a bath. And somehow, life itself seems to be happier when everything is clean and in order.

Getting fresh air and exercise will kick-start sluggish spirits within you. Get passionate about something that makes you want to do it whenever you can, so you’ll always have a reason to get out of bed. Allow yourself to give in to sublime moments of joy, bliss, ecstasy and the company of friends is an obvious boost. I am lucky I belong to a team of happy people in the office and we usually laugh a lot about small things.
If you ever feel sad because nobody is texting you, make the effort yourself to get in touch with people. It’s unlikely they are deliberately avoiding you, so make it your turn to make contact.

Get over it! If it’s you who is beating you up, stop it now and make yourself like you more. Stop being critical and dwelling on miserable thoughts. Think of your achievements and the situations in the past that you have handled well. Remind yourself of compliments you’ve received.

Keep your miseries in context. Many things that make you unhappy don’t warrant the attention you continue to give them. Forgive, forget and move on when people hurt you.

If all things don’t work, try to get yourself busy. Very busy. Over-thinking about something that is making you unhappy can make you feel worse, and often you only do that if you have a lot of time in your hands. Loving what you do as your job is a great comfort in unhappy times.

Our emotions affect our health. Research says that happy and optimistic people tend to live longer. So if you want to live longer and enjoy more of the things life has to offer, be optimistic!

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